- gender roles
- - гендерные роли
Тезаурус терминологии гендерных исследований. — М.: Восток-Запад: Женские Инновационные Проекты. А. А. Денисова. 2003.
Тезаурус терминологии гендерных исследований. — М.: Восток-Запад: Женские Инновационные Проекты. А. А. Денисова. 2003.
gender roles — While sharing similar traditions with many other cultures that generally designate man as the bread earner and woman the family caretaker, the Chinese have also viewed femininity and virility in terms of the complementary but also hierarchical… … Encyclopedia of Contemporary Chinese Culture
Gender roles in Christianity — Part of a series on Christianity and Gender Theology Female disciples of Jesus Gender roles in Christianity … Wikipedia
Gender roles in First Nations and Native American tribes — This article concerns the traditional gender roles of various Native American and Canadian Aboriginal tribes. They vary greatly from region to region and from tribe to tribe, and in some cases even from band to band within a tribe or First Nation … Wikipedia
Gender roles in Afghanistan — Afghan society is consistent in its attitudes toward the underlying principles of gender. It is the application of these principles that varies from group to group; and there is a wide range of standards set for accepted female behavior, as well… … Wikipedia
Gender roles in Islam — This article is about gender roles, in families and relationships between men and women, in Islam. For other related topics, including Islamic women s clothing and other differences in Islamic law between the sexes, see Women and Islam. In Islam … Wikipedia
Gender roles in Eastern Europe after Communism — The scope of this article includes Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, former Czechoslovakia, and the Balkan states. Changes in gender roles in Eastern Europe that were less noticeable than increased pornography also occurred after the fall of… … Wikipedia
gender roles — See gender … Dictionary of sociology
Gender roles in Lebanon — The family in Lebanon, as elsewhere in the region, assigns different roles to family members on the basis of gender. The superior status of men in society and within the narrow confines of the nuclear family transcends the barriers of sect or… … Wikipedia
Gender roles in Sri Lanka — All ethnic groups in Sri Lanka preserve clear distinctions in the roles of the sexes. Women are responsible for cooking, raising children, and taking care of housework. In families relying on agriculture, women are in charge of weeding and help… … Wikipedia
Gender roles in Algeria — In Algeria, as in the rest of the Middle East, women are traditionally regarded as weaker than men in mind, body, and spirit. The honor of the family depends largely on the conduct of its women; consequently, women are expected to be decorous,… … Wikipedia