- women's view
- - женский взгляд
Тезаурус терминологии гендерных исследований. — М.: Восток-Запад: Женские Инновационные Проекты. А. А. Денисова. 2003.
Тезаурус терминологии гендерных исследований. — М.: Восток-Запад: Женские Инновационные Проекты. А. А. Денисова. 2003.
women and Hinduism — Hinduism, because of its extreme diversity throughout the ages, has encompassed complex systems of thought and social hierarchies, which defy any simple generalizations. This overview of the status and role of women in Hindu India, and of the… … Encyclopedia of Hinduism
Women in Buddhism — is a topic that can be approached from varied perspectives including those of theology, history, anthropology and feminism. As in other religions, the experiences of Buddhist women have varied considerably. According to Bernard Faure, Buddhism is … Wikipedia
Women's development theory — refers to the seminal work of Mary Field Belenky, Blythe McVicker Clinchy, Nancy Rule Goldberger, and Jill Mattuck Tarule, published under the title Women s Ways of Knowing: The Development of Self, Voice, and Mind (Belenky, Clinchy, Goldberger… … Wikipedia
Women, girls and information technology — Women have been involved in computers since computers were first envisioned. They are present in all facets of computing and information technology. Despite this, their presence is comparatively small in these fields, and the fact of their… … Wikipedia
Women Against Violence in Pornography and Media — (WAVPM) was a radical feminist anti pornography activist group based in San Francisco and an influential force in the larger feminist anti pornography movement of the late 1970s and 1980s. WAVPM was organized in July 1976, following the San… … Wikipedia
Women in science — Women have contributed to science from its earliest days, but as contributors they have generally not been acknowledged. Historians with an interest in gender and science have illuminated the contributions women have made, the barriers they have… … Wikipedia
Women's colleges in the Southern United States — refers to undergraduate, bachelor s degree granting institutions, often liberal arts colleges, whose student populations consist exclusively or almost exclusively of women. Salem College is the oldest female educational institution in the South… … Wikipedia
Women's colleges in the United States — are institutions of higher education in the United States whose student populations are composed exclusively or almost exclusively of women (some colleges, such as Mary Baldwin College admit men to graduate or returning student programs while… … Wikipedia
Women's suffrage in the United Kingdom — Women were not formally prohibited from voting until the 1832 Reform Act and the 1835 Municipal Corporations Act. Both before and after 1832 establishing women s suffrage on some level was a political topic, although it would not be until 1872… … Wikipedia
Women's writing in English — Women s writing as a discrete area of literary studies is based on the notion that the experience of women, historically, has been shaped by their gender, and so women writers by definition are a group worthy of separate study. Their texts emerge … Wikipedia